Sunday, February 27, 2011

Welcome to the United States of Dictatorship!

As most of you know, I am not usually very politically outspoken, but there comes a time when enough is enough! I have always stood my ground on the fact that if you don't like the freedom and rules of our country then you can leave it! However, in light of the recent laws that Wisconsin has taken upon itself and taken away the right to have a union by taking the union away from it's state workers. These are the people that are the heart and soul of the state. Without these workers the state can not run. Who are they to take the union from the workers? It is our American right to form labor unions.

Some states are considering laws that will take away the right to even have a cell phone in the car or to talk on one while sitting in a parked car and even to ban walking and talking. What about those that want to ban eating in the car, will they then ban drive-thru's? Will talking to people in person while walking then be next?

I am just wondering when our country stopped being the United States of America and became the United States of Dictatorship? When will our elected officials start doing what the people elected them to do and stop telling the people what they will do? It hits a nerve with me that we once built the greatest country in the world and now people are leaving it because it is no longer the home of the brave and land of the free. It is now a land where the citizens wonder what rights they will lose next! Is America headed for another Civil War? Will the people ever regain control of the government again? or will the government become the United States of Dictatorship?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Recent Realizations

As some of you may know, I recently had a very bad scare and had to agonize over the possibilities that were in store for me. I went in for an MRI of my neck and they immediately contacted the Neurosurgeon to take a look at my picts. They found something but would not tell me what it was. They only indicated that I now needed to go in for an emergency MRI of  my entire spine. 
This obviously meant that they were definitely worried about what they found. I too became worried, since they were not telling me anything. I spent 4 1/2 hours on the MRI table the next day. I then had to wait 2 more days until they told me what was going on.  I became very scared that it may be something so bad that they won't be able to save me. 
I began to call, email, text and write as many of the people that I could in such a short time period. I was preparing for the worse in case they were to rush me to surgery and a chance that i might not recover. My grandmother died from a tumor in her brain that then spread like warm butter on toast. She only hung on for a few months. It was too late for her by the time they found it. I was afraid that I was going to follow her to the same fate. My usual strong willed self was wavering.
If you can imagine or comprehend my thinking, you will see that when the doctor told me that it was a cyst in my spinal cord, from the C1 and the C5 Vertebrae, I was relieved.  I now knew that yes, I would have to have surgery on my neck but I was going to live! I did not have cancer or some uncrushable disease. I was going to be alright. I will have time to learn to live life. 
I will be having the surgery about April, unless something changes in the meantime. I will need the support of my fans and loved ones to get through it. But, I am a survivor and I will conquer whatever is thrown at me.
Life is to short to waste it worrying about the little things that you can't control. Get out and live your life and make it what you want it to be, before it is too late. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't. Always remember that just as I have, you to can.......
Live life, Love always and Be who you want to be! 