Just a few of my Facebook Daily Quotes. Each one has deep meaning to me and I wanted to share them with you.
Life is not perfect but we can at least strive for something great in our lives. I woke up today and that is a great thing. We take our lives for granted. It is good to have goals but, we also need to live in the moment and hold onto the joys that we do have in the here and now. We can't waste our lives living in the past, yesterday is the past and cannot be changed. Live today as if you may not have a tomorrow. A great friend helped me to understand that it is ok to be happy in this moment and to carry that happiness with me every day and no matter what happens in the future I have happiness and love in my heart always. I have a second chance to live life and to love life and I will cherish it and love everyone in it as if there will be no tomorrow..... Tina Yvonne Powers
Someday I'll tell the whole misguided story of the first 40 years! But, the next 40 will be the time for living and loving! We cannot forget our pasts and all that have wronged us but, we can forgive and learn so that we can live and enjoy the ride!
There are no differences, each of us is our own shade and the world would be dull if it were not for all of the different shades. It is your life and you are the one that needs to be true to yourself and do what makes you happy, not others!
You never walk alone when you have your friends around and even though they may be far and wide they are always with you in your heart. an original quote by me! Tina Powers McKinney
I need to learn to dance! Any kind of dancing will do. Of course I realize that I have to finish learning how to walk first. But, I want to dance wildly in the middle of a thunderstorm, in a club or around the house! I will learn to dance. Will you join me in the adventure?
I miss my home! I miss my friends, my family and the 'ville! I've been away too long and almost forgot where it all began. A lot has changed, yet my soul longs to be home again to where it all began. I miss the breeze coming off the ocean! When I would need to regroup my thoughts, my friend the ocean was always just moments away! I find myself needing to regroup my life and just maybe home is where I need to be! I can't just go right this moment but soon, maybe soon I will find my way home! Find my way back to what matters to me. Oh, tell me how I can make this be? I miss my home! I miss my friends, my family and the 'ville! Maybe home is where I belong! Back where it all began!