Monday, April 30, 2012

For those of you that didn't get to see me last night, I wanted to share with you the top comments that I received about myself: I am strong, resilient, loving, radiate happiness both inside and out, that I am looking great! I want to say that I feel great both physically and mentally. Yes, I have pain but, I don't let it stop me from being me and enjoying the fact that I have a 2nd chance to make my life what I want it to be! I feel loved by all and am very happy with the direction that my life is going. I am happy inside and it grows every day. I am very happy that others can see it without me having to tell them. You are all a part of that happiness whether you are a long time friend or a new found one, thank you for being you! If you choose to not be a part of my happiness and my new direction, I will miss you greatly but, will still love you just the same. My soul is finally shining and I want you to shine too and enjoy the journey of discovering life, love and laughter. I know that it will not always be sunshine but, I know that I will make the best out of any storm that travels my way, because I have the love and the strength of a very large extended family of love! Live your lives, Love everyone and be happy and yourselves always!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Today is a special day! You may be asking yourself, "How so?". today is a special day because we are alive to live it! 
Every second of every day is special. You may be having a hard time in your life right now but, you will be alright. You will make it. I know this to be true. Look at all that I have been through and I am still here loving life. No, my life isn't perfect or anywhere close to where I want it to be but, I am alive, healing and trying to work towards where I want my life to be. I do this second by second, minute by minute and hour by hour. I am making plans for my future, do I know if they will succeed? No. But I make them none the less. If we don't dream and we forget who we are and what we want, then we lose the most precious and special being on earth, ourselves! We are each necessary and needed to keep our world turning. Don't let anger, poverty, despair or loneliness keep you from finding yourself and reaching for the future.
You are never alone, because if you are reading this then you already have someone who loves you for you! You have me!
Live, Love and Be! 
Love Always,

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, Bunny Day and for some "Zombie Bunny" day!

Whatever you are celebrating it as, I hope that you enjoy some good times with your friends and family.

My world has been a tornado of emotions and events. I think things are starting to head in better directions. The future is never clear or sealed and we have to just take each day as it comes. We can however dream and plan for it. I have been making positive steps in the right direction and  getting rid of those things that are negative.

I am making new friends and reconnecting with ones that were wandering aimlessly looking for me in the abyss of cyberspace.

I am looking forward to creating new bonds this year and leaving more of the past where it belongs, in the past. The world has many possibilities and though I don't know where it all will lead. I am optimistic that it is looking good today! 

Yesterday, I had an appointment with the Disabilities Determination Doc and he was only 20 minutes into the exam when he declared that I was certainly not faking my disability. So, the medical and Social Security should be all squared away soon. Then I can focus on improving life a lot more.

A shout out to Port Angeles and new friends. This will be a better year for all of us. 

To Robert, good luck in Job Corps! Stay as long as you can and learn everything!

Big changes are on the horizon and I am ready for them. Since the whole tumor thing started, you have heard me say "bring it on" and "Live, Love, Be" and those are the words that get me through it and will carry me onto my next phase in this journey of life that I have discovered. Every day is a new beginning and it is what you chose to do with it that makes it a memory.

Today's blog is short but, I wanted to let you all know that I am still here when ya need me and that life is truly what you decide to make it.

Live life to the fullest, Love openly and always and Be true to yourself always!!!
