Monday, December 19, 2011

My Heart, My Smile

My heart, My smile
Can they see my heart through my smile?
The face changes over time, the smile remains the same
The heart gets damaged and yet remains the same. 
The body has become damaged, yet the smile remains the same
Do they truly see me through all the pain?
My heart remains the same.
Would they notice if my smile were to fade?
Would they think me weak should my heart change?
My heart, my smile
Can they continue through the days of pain unchanged?
If my heart, my smile disappeared today, 
I ask again would they notice the pain?
Alas, the body remains damaged and the power begins to fade
Do they still see my heart, my smile?
As it fades with each passing day.
My heart, my smile all that still remains.

1 comment:

  1. Basically, I am having a hard time believing that people can look past the physical deficiency and through my smile see the me that is trapped within the broken shell that my heart takes shelter in. Will they see me?
