Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Year and a Half of Changes

For those of you who are unfamiliar with my struggles over the last 2 years, I will plot a timeline for you to better understand the hell that I have traveled to get to where I am today.

June 2010 : Father went back to prison

September 2010: Mother was taken off of life support, Husband was arrested & my cousin Tommy died.

October 2010 - January 2011: My sister was in and out of the hospital until her death.

February 2011: e found out about the alien in my neck - my Cyst.

May 2011 : I had the first of my tumor surgeries. Where it was determined that the alien was indeed a cancerous tumor and not a cyst.

August 15, 2011: The alien was removed!

August 16: my cousin Pam died while I was still out.

August 18: My grandfather died, while I was waking up.

August 18: I woke up to find that I was only able to move one of my limbs, my left arm.

I tell you of these struggles, not to receive your pity but, to invoke your understanding  of the strength that we all have inside of us to pick ourselves up, even in the worst of times. I believe that everything happens for a reason and what we do with it is entirely up to us.

I could have given up and almost did. But, people showed me that I was worth saving. They showed me how to use that strength that my granny raised me with, to learn to live and love life. When I was ready to quit, that strength kept picking me back up.

I have come a long way these past 2 years and I am a far better person because of it. I have learned the greatest lesson of all, that life is too short not to live and enjoy every minute of it.

In a few short months I have learned to write(tho not well) with my left hand, to stand, to walk, to eat without throwing it across the room, and to love myself despite my current physical status.

Yes, the realization that I may never be able to drive a bus again hit me pretty hard. But, I will at the very least be able to drive my own vehicle one day.

I am alive to challenge the day. I have many friends, new and old, that help to see me through. I have joined forces with my soul to be the best person that I can be, to always help others, to laugh and live my life to the fullest each day. Because, we have no guarantee that there will be a tomorrow.

So, join me in exploring each day as it comes and making plans for a more joyous future. Live each day with no regrets, love in your heart and be true to yourself always!



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