Saturday, January 29, 2011

Begin by Searching for Life , Not Bringing it Down!

I guess that I have had a lot of practice at life's little game of starting over and so even though I did not know the strength that was within me, I have been through the pain before, over and over. Just when I feel like the world has caved in I don't know where it comes from but I pick up and start again. When I feel like I am about to burst, I turn to my friends and they have helped to give me strength. I used to dance, sing and enjoy what life has to offer. I forgot how to do all that somewhere along the way.

My health has suffered for that and now it will be a bigger struggle to reverse the damage that I have done.  But, I know that the people who truly care, will show themselves to be there every step of the way, to help get me back to , well.... ME. I don't know for sure who that is anymore but that is the journey that I have to take and I hope that my friends will take the ride with me and still be there all the way.

 I have learned that life is an endless journey with so many paths that are too often untraveled and I am simply tired of taking the safe path and missing all of the things that life's energy can promise. I have lived my life being afraid of the next step and that hasn't turned out very well for me or a large majority of the people that I have known. If you have checked my blog you know that I have emerged with a new sense of what I want my life to be about and hope that everyone will join me in living, loving and being. To me this has meant to embrace the joys of life, learn to love life, and to simply find out who you are and be life. Don't trap all of those feelings inside, get them out there before the demon destroys you and you wake up and find out that you have not lived life at all. He and I have had a close personal relationship for a very long time and I simply had to chose to leave all that anger, pity, jealousy, lies, fear and pain, etc.  behind and say let me live and let you be only a very distant memory.

So, be there for those that start to falter, pick them back up and never bring them down with you. You deserve to Live, Love and BE!

Tina McKinney

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