Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reflections of the Past, Insight to my Future

I have often wondered what I would have become if I had followed different paths in life and at the forks in the roads what would have happened if I had ventured down the uncharted paths?

I have realized that there is never a right or wrong path to travel. Eventually one path will lead to another and another and so forth. We all make different choices and then wonder what if? But, if you are always wondering about the what if's in the world, what are the what is' that you are missing in front of you. If that makes any sense what so ever!

I have had to start down the unknown path and since it is the unknown path, I don't know where it is taking me. I just know that though it may be hard to take the steps, I am taking them anyway. I am terrified and excited all at once. I have spent my life playing everything safe and living the way that others have expected. I am now making an effort to "roll with the flow" so to speak. I am trying new things and meeting new people. Listening to different kinds of music and experiencing the variety of life that has been passing me by.

I remember a time when I would venture out of my comfort zone and live life. It seems so long ago. I don't look at this time in my life as forgetting who I am but, finding out who I am. I seem to have forgotten or lost myself somewhere along the way. I have learned that I need to stop being scared and venture out into the world and see what is out there.

I know that it won't all be good but I hope that I will learn from the experiences and have fun while doing it. The resent events in my life have shown me that life is to short to watch it from the side lines. I intend to get out and be a part of it and not a mural on the wall that gets glanced at and then forgotten. People will remember that I lived life, That I loved life and that I was life.

Live, Love and BE!

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